The Art of Fermentation

All our kimchi is naturally fermented and unpasteurized.

How does kimchi ferment?

Kimchi is fermented by Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB), which vegetables naturally contain. When the right condition is provided, the bacteria metabolize carbohydrates into lactic acid, which adds acidic, sour, and tangy flavour to kimchi.

How does the flavour change?

As the fermentation progress, your kimchi will get more sour and less sweet. We never add vinegar to kimchi but the sourness comes from its natural fermentation! Everyone has a different preference when it comes to fermentation, so we encourage you to try your kimchi regularly to find your preferred level of fermentation.

Why is Jenna’s KIMCHI not pasteurized?

During pasteurization, the LAB die because of the high temperature. If the kimchi does not contain the LAB, you cannot get the health benefit coming from the LAB.

Any sign of fermentation?

When kimchi is being fermented, the bacteria produces air gas. Therefore, you will be able to see some air bubbles popping up when you open your jar, which is a good sign that the fermentation is going well. Since the jar is closed tightly, the air pressure of the jar will increase and that is why you might hear the pop sound when opening the jar.